

January 8, 2015

Rain or shine, winter freeze or warm summer breeze....I am hopelessly enchanted by the sea. My pictures are quite boring, really, as I always find myself on the same pathways of my little island and often stop at the same familiar corners to snap photographs  - but I can't help myself. I find the scenery so very beautiful, and the colors and atmosphere seem to change magically depending on where the sun is. The sea is in the process of freezing over, slowly but surely, and it won't be too many weeks now until it will be covered with a blanket of the white fluffy stuff - but right now it is still fragile, almost glass-like. These pictures were taken around 3pm when the sun was setting - the colors are untouched.

Muutamia otoksia alkuviikon kävelylenkiltä täällä Lauttasaaressa auringonlaskun aikaan. Taivas oli uskomaton oranssinhehkuisessa valossa. Joskus tykkään leikkiä kuvankäsittelyohjelmalla, mutta näihin kuviin en raskinut koskea millään lailla - luonnon oma värishow !

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